Rezar El Regina Coeli / Regina Coeli

Regina Coeli es el nombre de una oracion mariana y cristologica de la Iglesia catolica en honor de la Virgen. Son las palabras latinas con que abre el himno pascual a la Santisima Virgen Maria que traducidas al espanol son “Reina del cielo”, es una composicion liturgica a manera de felicitacion a Maria por la resureccion de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Oracion del Regina Caeli

V/. Reina del Cielo, alegrate; aleluya.

R/. Porque el que mereciste llevar en tu seno; aleluya.

V/. Resucito segun dijo; aleluya.

R/. Ruega por nosotros a Dios; aleluya;

V/. Gozate y alegrate, Virgen Maria; aleluya.

R/. Porque resucito en verdad el Senor; aleluya.


Oh dios!, que te dignaste alegrar al mundo por la

Resurreccion de tu hijo,

Nuestro Senor Jesucristo: concedenos, te rogamos, 

que por la meditacion de la Virgen Maria, su Madre,

alcancemos los gozos de la vida eterna.

Por el mismo Jesucristo, Nuestro Senor. Amen.

The Easter prayer Regina Coeli (“Queen of Heaven” in Latin) is a wonderful tribute to our Lord’s resurrection and to the Blessed Virgen Mary (picture in her Coronation at left). Although its orgins are unknown, it dates back to the 13th century.

The Regina Coeli is one of four antiphons (short liturgical texts sung or chanted, often as seen below, in a responsorial pattern) dedicated to Our Lady. It is often sung as a hymn and has had numerous musical settings in its original Latin text, including several by Mozart.

Traditionally, it is prayed standing, often at noon, in place of another well-known prayer, the Angelus, during the Easter Season fromHoly Saturday until Pentecost.

Regina Caeli

Call: Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia.

Response: The Son you merited to bear, alleluia.

Call: Has risen as he said, alleluia.

Repsonse: Pray to God for us, alleluia.

Call: Rejooice and be glad, O Virgen Mary, alleluia.

Response: For the Lors has truly risen, alleluia.

Let us pray.

God of life, you have given joy to the world

by he resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Through the prayers of his mother, the Virgen Mary,

bring us to the happiness of eternal life.

We ask this through Chirst our Lord.


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